Archives of #e-identity

Interview about Digital Identities

The strategic importance of digital identities has come into focus in recent months. An example of this is the launch of the data and login alliances Verimi and netID, YES and providers of blockchain-based solutions such as Blockchain Helix and The current state, the lack of a so-called ...

Key Success Factors for e-Identity Systems

Digital identities are on everyone's lips and currently there are a large number of different approaches across Europe. Based on Kim Cameron's Laws of Identity, we present nine success factors for e-identity systems. This will be the key to establishing an accepted, competitive and enduring solution...

E-Identity Initiatives – The European Way

The increasing diversity and presence of online services reinforces the need for online, secure and trusted identities. The European e-identity landscape has grown historically and has been shaped by a variety of initi-atives. The change in the legal framework in Europe acts as a catalyst for the im...